Saturday, December 29, 2007

Fortune Cookies

Why do they even make these? Do people actually take to heart what they say? Today I had Chinese food and got pretty lucky when I opened my wonderful fortune cookie. I didn't get 1 fortune... nor even 2! I got three! That's right, three small little pieces of paper with my destiny foretold:
  1. "You would be wise not to seek too much from others, at this time."
  2. "No Obstacles will stand in the way of your success this month."
  3. "An admirer is concealing his affection for you."
Sadly the month is almost over so my success for this month better happen pretty quick. But I personally like the last the most. I'm not gay so I'm not really quite sure where the fortune cookie fairy gets her information but it always keeps you guessing. The first one does have a ring of truth in it though. I really shouldn't ask for so much - which I have been recently. I'll try my best.


Jaschocolate said...

Hi, thanks for visiting my blog.

Fortune cookies are not common in chinese restaurant in the Asian countries, at least not where I lived in - Singapore. So I guess it is a Western thing.

I guess everyone likes to read some predictions about life and happiness, blah blah.. Just like there are so many people reading their horoscopes everyday.. Anyway, I will try to visit soon.. No time to update at all.. Haha ^_^

Anonymous said...

Its entertaining...except for the one's that say 'you will die in exactly 32 days'. But those are the only ones I make. I have yet to bring a batch of specialty EA QA fortune cookies that go something like, 'your contract will be extended/terminated' or 'an RFT opportunity may arise if you choose the right path'. Add a couple of completely vague ones that might inspire a noob contractor do be our next EA president. Something great like that. Loved the post...!

Anonymous said...

Did I mention that I could eat a factory full of fortune cookies? DE-licious! Delicious with ice cream, delicous with cookie dough, strawberries, get the picture. Mmmmm!