Sunday, December 31, 2006

Holiday Recap

So my Hime and I went back to my hometown to spend Christmas together with my family. Sadly I don't have any good pictures at the moment so I will have to put up some pictures later. Seeing my family and being with my girlfriend was awesome. We had a great time. We didn't do too much back home. Just relax, chat, enjoy the scenery; same ol' same ol'.

She left to go back to Japan at 5:45 in the morning on the 26th. I won't see her until the 9th... which really isn't THAT long, but it sure seems like a long time already and its only been 5 days. By the sounds of it she's really having a lot of fun over there with her friends and her family. New years in Japan was 7am my time. I talked to her this morning at 11:00am and she was still awake (so 3:00am Japan time) She seemed like she had lots of fun but I think she was pretty tired. Right now I'm just waiting for her to call me ^_^

My Christmas was awesome. I got almost everything I asked for and more and I think so did most of my family. It wasn't a white Christmas but man was it a white boxing day. Like 6" of snow or something. I'm not 100% sure how much but it was pretty crazy. Luckily Hime left so early in the morning because all the flights later in the day and the day after were cancelled because of the snow. If she had missed her flight in my hometown she would have missed her flight to Japan.. and that would have been expensive >_<
Currently playing: Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence, 大神 (Ōkami)
Currently Reading: Empire - Orson Scott Card

Wednesday, December 20, 2006


Tonight was interesting. Hime and I did a lot of talking... a lot of talking. We ended up talking about our past and about our 'secrets'. I found out many things tonight I was suprised to hear. She told me things I daren't repeat; things she has scarecely told anybody before. I'm so glad she was able to talk to me about such things but I think she was afraid I might leave her after I found out about her past... But I think it has brought us closer together. I can't say I agree with her actions in the past, but who am I to judge? I don't have a perfect track record either.

Aishiteimasu ore no ohime-sama. Eien~

Monday, December 18, 2006

Health Hazard?

So I'm on my lunch break right now at work. Its 2:00pm and I'm not supposed to be taking my lunch until about 3:30 or so since I work until 6pm; however, right now our whole room reeks of propane and it's making me feel really light headed. I refused to work but management told us that if we didn't want to work we would have to use our own breaks to do so as "it isn't a health hazard," they claim. It's interesting that they already know its not a health hazard since the smell has only been there for 15 minutes and they haven't had anyone to officially 'check' for any hazards. So I guess that means if someone gets sick they can sue the company? I haven't been in the room in almost 30 minutes and I still feel light headed. My hands are shaky as well, but they still claim its 'not a health hazard' as it doesnt affect everybody.

Update (2:33pm):
So it still smells in there and even going in makes me feel lightheaded. I talked to management again and they say that if I wait around its unpaid time (which I feel contradicts the Workers Rights, but they say that its not technically a "health hazard", it just makes me feel uncomfortable). They also suggested I go home early, but that would give me a written warning since I already left early once in the past 14 days. So that is totally out of the question.

So for the past 2 weeks I've been so busy with things. Mainly my girlfriend; I've seen her just about every day in the last couple of weeks. Which is a good thing mind you, surprisingly. I never thought it was possible to hang out with somebody every day for near a month and not get bored, but that's exactly what we've done... and I'm not bored ^_^

About a week and 1/2 ago I went to her friends フラミンゴさん's (I'll just call him Ming) birthday party at Shinanigans. It was pretty cool, he's an awesome guy. Hime is going to give me his MSN soon. Right now he's in yellowknife with his friend なっとさん (Nat). She's pretty cool too even though I keep forgetting her name.

Here's two pictures of the birthday party:

First: フラミンゴさん(Ming), 姫様(Hime), and me.
Second: 姫様(Hime), Me, なっとさん(Nat)

Current Games: Final Fantasy VII, Halo, Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords
Reading: A Game of Thrones (Book1:A Song of Ice and Fire) George R. R. Martin

What I want to play: Neverwinter Nights 2, Dark Messiah of Might and Magic, 大神 (Ōkami)

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Smile -_-'

So today work was fun and went by pretty quick. After work I called Kenji to reschedule our meeting as now I have a birthday party to go to tomorrow evening. Then I gave Hime a call just because I like hearing her voice. She didn't sound very happy though. Apparently her roommate is totally ignoring her because she is spending so much time with me (he likes her but it's not mutual in the slightest). She sees him as a friend but he's not happy with that it seems. She was at the library and said that she was okay and would be fine. So I talked to her for a while and said goodbye before running over to play D&D with my friends until about 12:30am.

When I got home I started talking to Hime on msn. She seemed very upset but kept telling me she was okay. I finally got her to explain what was wrong and asked if she would like to go out for coffee. Her roommate had taken some of his clothes and his laptop and left. He also had left a huge mess in their apartment. She wasn't in the best mood. We ended up in Denny's and stayed there until about 5am before I walked her home. He is incredibly selfish and from what she tells me, neurotic too. Such a bad environment >_<.