Merry Christmas everyone!! =D I hope everybody had a good day today. And if you're not Christian then Happy Holidays to you! haha.
This picture is first thing in the morning this morning. 8:30am!! Usually we don't start the Christmas opening until a little bit later I thought but apparently not this year. My brother came down at 8am and turned on the light in my room. After a futile effort of trying to fend off the light I gave in and decided to get up. I went upstairs, had some coffee and then there we are - all ready to open presents.

That's my sister, me and my brother from front to back. My brother and I are wearing our
TMNT toques that we got in our
Christmas stockings.
All in all everyone had a pretty good Christmas, including the dogs as you can see in the picture. They're all fighting over a new toy they got. In the end the big one (spotted) decided it was his and kept it haha.

I got some really nice presents including an
Ipod Classic 80gb,
FujiFilm A820 8.3MP Digital Camera, a new suitcase for my trip to Japan,
GT4, the new Tolkien book, the next book in the series I used to read!! (My sister randomly chose the book thinking I might like it and it just happened to be the next book in the series I was reading. She didn't even know I
had any of them), a gift certificate to
The Gap, some cash, a t-shirt and some other presents ^_^. Thank you to everybody!!
After all the craziness of opening presents we had some
Eggs Benedict for breakfast. I had 3 and was pretty stuffed after that.

For the rest of the day up until dinner we were pretty busy with our gifts that we got. My sister got
Guitar Hero 3, my brother got
WoW, and my mom got a
karaoke machine. Actually my mom was most busy making us food so thank you mom!! We had cheese and crackers for lunch and a wonderful turkey dinner as is tradition =D I ate so much and was totally stuffed after that too. Today was a pretty good day for food actually! I really can't complain hahaha.

Today it snowed also! So I got my wish, we had a white Christmas here in Penticton. It was pretty clear out for most of the day but in the evening it started snowing quite a bit - windy too. But it was really nice. Today was one of those days you don't really go outside so who cares if it's windy ^_^ This evening we played a game called
Mad Gab - it's super fun. You have to try to read these seemingly nonsensical sentences but really you're saying something else... It's kind of hard to explain. Maybe check the wikipedia for more help. It was really fun though. We played with my whole family and my old baby sitter from when I was a kid.

It was nice seeing her again. I haven't seen her in
years! I won't put a picture of her because I'm not sure if she'd want me to but it was really fun. We played
'old vs. young' or "parents & babysitter" vs. "kids" and we won!! Take that adults! But in all honesty, it was a really close game. We played to 25 and we only won by 1 or 2 points. I don't remember exactly. This, on the left, is my
Donatello toque I got in my stocking. It was an awesome day.
Merry Christmas again!!
1 comment:
Wow, nice camera. Be sure to take lots of pictures so distant stalkers (like me, duh) can, well, visually stalk you with HD pictures :)
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