Oct 20 - This is just after we arrived in Los Angeles at about lunch time. Right now we're just at the airport waiting on the little cement island for our Shuttle bus to our Hotel in Anaheim. It took so long for the bus to come and there were literally a hundred buses that came by (and we had no idea what it was supposed to look like). But finally a big bus pulled up with Disneyland written across it's side and Disney characters all around. I asked just to make sure... It was it! So we boarded and tried to catch some shuteye... but it was hard with all the excitement. We went to Disneyland until late that night after we checked in to our Hotel and dropped our stuff in our room.

Oct 21 - The second day of our trip we ended up sleeping in without even meaning to. We were so tired from the 2 days before (we had an overnight layover in Seattle on our way here and we stayed up most of the night because airport seats aren't meant for sleeping). This is probably around 11am. It was probably around 30°C and damn it was windy. This day we spend just about the entire day in Disneyland. After this day we had taken just about every ride and seen every attraction that was there (except the boring ones of course). We were only missing a few and we had one more day of Disneyland to go so we were pretty confident we could do it :)

Oct 22 - This day we went to Universal Studios. It's not really what it's all made out to be. Most of the attractions (shows) aren't very interesting or even entertaining (in my opinion), but the only two actual 'rides' that they have are definitely better than Disneyland. They have Jurrasic Park (my favorite) and The Mummy (Hime's favorite). They're both super fun. Jurrasic park has this huuuge drop at the end of it (you're floating in a boat) and you get soaked! It's great. The Mummy, instead of using gravity to gain speed (going up and then back down), it actually suddenly accelerates you foreword really fast. It's really interesting - I've never been on a ride like that. Also when you think its all over.. instead of actually ending, you start going backward - it's awesome.

Oct 23 - This was a weird day. We went to Disneyland in the morning thinking that today was our last day in LA but... it wasn't. So we finished our shopping early in the morning, then came back to our hotel, checked out, grabbed the shuttle bus back to the LA Airport, and attempted to check-in. After quite a while they finally figured figured out why we weren't booked for the flight that evening... because we weren't leaving until the 24th! Very embarrassing. Luckily we had got a stamp when we left Disneyland so... We took the shuttle bus BACK to Anaheim, checked BACK in to our hotel (luckily they let us) and went back to Disneyland. This day we stayed right up until it closed to make up for our lost time. We tried every ride we wanted to so it was all good in the end.

Oct 24 - So today
was our actual departure date so we went to LA in the late morning so we could do some shopping downtown. Sadly, as we discovered, downtown LA is ugly and shopping is hard to find. We had to tote around all our luggage as well since we weren't able to check it in until 4 hours before our flight (which was at 8pm). We went right into the heart of downtown and visited the Fashion District and Jewelry district. Both of these areas seemed very dirty and they weren't very busy at all. But we went and found the LA Library which is actually super nice and from there we looked around and found one tiny little shopping center so we had some food at the food court and headed out again. We didn't really find anything interesting except for the
yoshinoya Japanese restaurant. It was pretty tasty. Then we headed back to the airport just in time to take our flight to Seattle.
Oct 25 - We didn't take any pictures this day but we did do a lot of shopping. First thing we did was we went to the Greyhound bus station to buy our bus ticket back to Vancouver, then we put all our luggage into a locker (LA doesn't have them at the airport). So we were able to shop without luggage! It was amazing. We ate lunch at a Vietnamese restaurant in the Greyhound bus station. The food was pretty good but the service wasn't so much. After that we took a stroll in downtown Seattle. It's way nicer than downtown LA and there's actually places to shop and things to look at (not just broken windows and run down buildings). We found an arcade and played games for a while then had some Nachos there too (but they weren't as good as the nachos at our hotel in Anaheim). Hime bought a nice jacket JUST before we had to come back. It looked so warm >_<. Then... we came back to Vancouver! And thus ends our trip to Disneyland.
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