So I'm on my lunch break right now at work. Its 2:00pm and I'm not supposed to be taking my lunch until about 3:30 or so since I work until 6pm; however, right now our whole room reeks of
propane and it's making me feel really light headed. I refused to work but management told us that if we didn't want to work we would have to use our own breaks to do so as "it isn't a health hazard," they claim. It's interesting that they already know its not a health hazard since the smell has only been there for 15 minutes and they haven't had anyone to officially 'check' for any hazards. So I guess that means if someone gets sick they can sue the company? I haven't been in the room in almost 30 minutes and I still feel light headed. My hands are shaky as well, but they still claim its 'not a health hazard' as it doesnt affect everybody.
Update (2:33pm):
So it still smells in there and even going in makes me feel lightheaded. I talked to management again and they say that if I wait around its unpaid time (which I feel contradicts the
Workers Rights, but they say that its not technically a "health hazard", it just makes
me feel
uncomfortable). They also suggested I go home early, but that would give me a written warning since I already left early once in the past 14 days. So that is totally out of the question.
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