So for the past 2 weeks I've been so busy with things. Mainly my girlfriend; I've seen her just about every day in the last couple of weeks. Which is a good thing mind you, surprisingly. I never thought it was possible to hang out with somebody every day for near a month and not get bored, but that's exactly what we've done... and I'm not bored ^_^
About a week and 1/2 ago I went to her friends フラミンゴさん's (I'll just call him Ming) birthday party at Shinanigans. It was pretty cool, he's an awesome guy. Hime is going to give me his MSN soon. Right now he's in yellowknife with his friend なっとさん (Nat). She's pretty cool too even though I keep forgetting her name.

First: フラミンゴさん(Ming), 姫様(Hime), and me.
Second: 姫様(Hime), Me, なっとさん(Nat)
Current Games: Final Fantasy VII, Halo, Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords
Reading: A Game of Thrones (Book1:A Song of Ice and Fire) George R. R. Martin
What I want to play: Neverwinter Nights 2, Dark Messiah of Might and Magic, 大神 (Ōkami)
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