This book, my Hime sent me from Japan for our Anniversary. It's all in Japanese so it's kinda difficult to understand but I had my good friend 隆さん (Ryu) translate it for me. It roughly means "You're presence is all I need" or "Being with you is all I need" or something along those lines.It's a super pretty book and I really wish I better knew Japanese so I could understand it more clearly. My roommate isn't home right now so maybe later I will put some pictures of it on this blog. Update:

And Now they're here! (as you may have already noticed - ありがとう隆さん). This is the bookmark it comes with (even though you don't really need a bookmark because it's short) but the bookmark is also so nice. And in English too. Interesting. (Japanese people really like English) Anyway, I took a picture of one of the pages I like a lot (which is every one but I had to choose one). The Japanese on this page means something like this "When I'm alone, I can't see. When we're together I can see."

I know it's a little bit strange but the sentence is backwards - If it was written in English it might say "I can only truly see when we're together". Actually there's another page I really like that says something along the lines of "When we're together all my life's complications are fixed". So pretty >_< . Now I gotta get crackin' on my Japanese study! I know I mentioned it in a
previous post - but it never really happened. Well now's the time! I gotta learn enough to be able to understand this book! =D

And for those of you who are curious. Here's a picture of what I got for her. Did you know... sending stuff to Japan is terribly expensive. I talk about things being expensive a lot don't I? 僕は少しけちと思います。 It took me a long time to find a present I thought she'd like and

I think she liked it =D I think she liked the card more but it's kinda personal. But I'll post up the cover of it! It sucks we weren't able to actually spend time together this anniversary but there's always next one =D This time next year I should be enjoying my time in Japan! I might have to start a new blog for that... or continue this one - I'm not sure. Either way it's gonna be awesome and I'm super excited.
1 comment:
Sorry, I'm terrible taranslator(>_<)
I gotta study English much harder!!
I hope you guys enjoy the anniversary even you are not together(^^)☆
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