Thursday, November 15, 2007

3 More Days

I know I made a post named 3:00 and now this one is 3 more days but whatever. 3 Is a good number is it not? But yeah.. the significance to this 3 is our real one year anniversary. "But you just met her on the 12th!" I know! It just seemed right. It was less than a week actually (6 days for you those of you who aren't good at subtraction). Weird eh?

Right now she's in Japan as you may remember (from an older post) so we can't actually spend our anniversary together sadly but that doesn't stop me from sending a present!! I'd say what that present is buuut.... she also reads this blog so that'll have to wait for another time. Let's just say I'm really happy with what I found (I just hope she likes it >_<) Today wasn't a very eventful day actually. I snagged a PS2 with a mod chip from a guy at work so now I can play import games on my PS2!! I'm kinda excited about that. Also I saw a friend from school on the bus on my way back home after getting the PS2. I haven't talked to her in a really long time and it was nice to chat again ^_^

I started an excel document to record where I'm spending all my money because it seems to disappear pretty quick and I can't have that happen any more. I gotta save!!! If anybody wants a blank copy of this document so they, also, can watch their money, send me a message on MSN and I'll send it over =D (But I think it might be Office 2007 only).

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